Terms And Conditions

Disclaimer: Using Our Services Indicates Your Agreement to the User Terms and Conditions. So, Before Proceeding Please Read this Agreement Carefully.

These Website Standard Terms And Conditions (these “Terms” or these “Website Standard Terms And Conditions”) contained herein on this webpage, shall govern your use of this website, including all pages within this website (collectively referred to herein below as this “Website”). These Terms apply in full force and effect to your use of this Website and by using this Website, you expressly accept all terms and conditions contained herein in full. You must not use this Website if you have any objection to any of these Website Standard Terms And Conditions.

2. Preface
(a) We thank you for registering with Feelrejuvenate.com on https://feelrejuvenate.com/ (Website).
To use our services, you need to accept our Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy Policy& Refund Policy. In case you don’t agree with our Terms then please do not use our services.

NOTE: If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions then you will not be able to book any service delivered by Feelrejuvenate.

(b) By accepting the Terms, you hereby state that you are meeting the following criteria:
(i) Your age is above 18 years.
(ii) You have the ability to sign a binding contract with us and under any applicable laws, you are not barred from doing so.
(iii) Any registration information which you will submit to us is complete, true, and accurate as well as you agree to keep it in the same way at all times.

3. Eligibility Criteria of Membership

The website and services usage provided by Feelrejuvanet are available only to those persons who adhere to a legally binding contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872. In case you are “incompetent to contract” under Indian Contract Act, 1872 including insolvents, minors, un-discharged, etc. then you are not eligible to place orders telephonically or use the Website. If you are under 18 years of age, then you are not allowed to register as a Website member and shall not transact or use any Services. However, it is clarified that during placing any order telephonically or registration as a website member, Feelrejuvenate shall only rely on the information given by you. In case we find that the information provided by you is incorrect then you have to compensate Feelrejuvanet and hold Feelrejuvanet’s safety against any third party criminal or civil claim.

4. Security, User Account, and Password

You are required to accept the following criteria:

(a) In case of any breach of security or unauthorized use of the account, you have to notify Feelrejuvenate.com immediately.

(b) At the end of each session, make sure that you log out from your account. Feelrejuvenate.com will not be liable for any kind of damage or loss from your side related to this clause.

5. Our Services Use

5.1 You are required to understand and agree that after completing registration with Feelrejuvanate.com, you will be allowed to choose beauty & spa services within the comfort of your home. Feelrejuvanate.com is only a marketplace or Feelrejuvanate.com for beauticians of different caliber and grades.

5.2 The entire appointments are booked telephonically and online which are directly subject to the availability of service slots of beauticians and spa therapists. Also, your appointment will only be finalized and accepted when you choose to take a minimum of 1 hour of service. Any services are chosen by you that does not sum up for at least 1 hour will not be entertained by our beauticians or Spa Therapist.

5.3In case our beauticians fail to reach on time, we will inform you through message or call about the delay. In all circumstances, our maximum liability shall be limited to appointment rescheduling in the next available slot.

6. Account of User

6.1 You are required to agree and understand that our objective is to provide an excellent service experience each time but there are a few obligations at your side too which you need to fulfill, which are as follows:

i. As per the invoice presented, you are liable to make complete payment of services used which includes statutory taxes, service fees, and product costs.
ii. You have to make sure that there is no damage and misuse of any product used by the beauticians and spa therapist.

iii. While offering the services, you shall not ask the beauticians or spa therapist to omit or commit any work which is contrary to the company’s guidelines. Our beauticians or spa therapistcan also refuse a service that is requested from the customer due to any reason. If there is any grievance in this regard, then you are suggested to contact our customer care service for assistance as well as complaints.

iv. There must not be any kind of misbehavior, harassment, use of abusive language, and physical violence with beauticians or spa therapists from your side or your family member’s side at your home premise. If you are not happy with the services, then you can simply ask our service partner to leave by lodging feedback or complaint on our website. Within 24 hours of the message, we will get back with our specialized assistance.

6.2 Though Feelrejuvanet.com aims at providing a perfect and comfortable experience to each and every customer. Still, if there is any kind of damage or loss faced by the customer due to negligence of our service partner then we will be liable to the limited amount i.e. INR 5,000 (Based on Terms and Condition) after a detailed inspection and enquiry. Feelrejuvanet.com will not be liable for any kind of consequential, incidental, and punitive damages that occurred by the use of services.

6.3 We encourage all our customers to take full responsibility for their goods. After availing the Services, if any item of the Customer is lost, you are advised to inform us within 24 hours of availing the Service. We try our best to locate items
But we are not responsible for any loss or damage in this matter.

6.4 In case you suspect any wrong activity or there is any other complaint regarding our service partner or services then you are advised to inform us within 24 hours of using that service in writing.
Feelrejuvanate.com will not be liable for any of the conduct by the service partner.

6.5 Services Cancellation –

The amount of refund will be transferred within 24 hours of cancellation. There are some cancellation charges that vary according to the situation which is mentioned below:

• In case our service partner has not left for the customer’s home – No Cancellation Charge
• In case our service partner has left and she is on the way – INR 100 Cancellation Charge
• In case the beautician has reached customer’s society or doorstep – INR 200 Cancellation Charges

*Note – The cancellation charge of INR 200 will only be deducted after taking photos of your society or doorstep by our service partner.


7. Intellectual Property Right

7.1 We own all Intellectual Property Rights in the Website such as database, content, graphics, etc. If you are using anything from the Fellrejuvanet.com website for commercial purposes which falls under the Intellectual Property Right clause, then you are required to either acknowledge us or take authorization from us.

7.2 You will be solely responsible for the content you upload on our website like photos, videos, comments, etc. It is clarified that your content will be open to usage for third parties.

8. Compensation for Any Loss

You are responsible for compensating any of the loss caused to a third party or Feelrejuvenate.com arising due to a breach of Terms and Policies from your side.

9. Prices for Products and Services

The entire pricing is done in Indian rupees and they are subject to change with Fellrejuvenate.com’s sole direction without giving any notice to the customer.

10. Termination of Services

10.1 In case you have abused, exploited, breached, violated, or unethically manipulated any of these Terms then Feelrejuvanet.com can de-register your account and terminate website as well as services access.

10.2 The terms mentioned in 9th point will exist indefinitely until and unless Feelrejuvanet.com opts to terminate them.

10.3 After the termination of your services, we can delete any content related to your service use. Feelrejuvanet.com will not be liable to you or any third party for this action.

10.4 You are liable to pay for all products and services which you have ordered till the termination time.

11. Law of Governance

According to Indian laws, this agreement is read and interpreted. In case of dispute between the parties or any product/service sold by Feelrejuvenate.com will be subject to the complete jurisdiction of Mumba court.

12. Severability
In case any provision or term is considered to be illegal or unenforceable then the rest of the terms and provisions will still be applicable.

13. Amendments in Policy

Fellrejuvenate.com has the right to make any changes or modifications in a portion of terms at any time without giving any kind of notification to the customer. Your continuation of services will signify your acceptance of our terms.